Indoor Bonsai
These sub tropical and tropical trees,can be termed as indoor bonsai, and are happy indoors for extended periods of time. It is always good for your indoor bonsai to have some time outdoors in summer, but most will not withstand frost, so must be kept inside during the rest of the year. A bright south facing position is ideal in winter, without drafts, with a shadier spot in Summer and always close to a window. Also check out our Indoor/ Outdoor Section for an even bigger selection of bonsai that can be kept both indoors and outdoors.
Chinese Elm/ Ulmus Parvifolia
Native of China, Korea and Japan the chinese elm is one of the easiest to care for, and most popular of the indoor/ outdoor bonsai. It has tiny leaves and a compact growth, perfect for bonsai cultivation. If kept indoors the tree is evergreen, but if kept outdoors, it may loose leaves during the winter months, but they will return in the spring. This variety is probably the most 'tree like' of the sub- tropical varieties. Suitable for bright areas indoors, cool conservatories and sheltered gardens. See our ' Bonsai Care' pages for further details.
Carmona Microphylla / Fukien Tea
The Carmona / Fukien Tea is one of the few flowering indoor bonsai. Native of southern China it has tiny glossy green leaves and if kept in a warm bright position will produce tiny what flowers at intervals in spring and summer. Tiny green berries can form and develop into red. Keep moist and away from drafts. Needs lots of water, never let the soil dry out.
European Olive / Olea Europea
Suitable for sunny positions indoor or outdoor, the European Olive make one of the loveliest trees as bonsai. A great tree for someone to start with.These trees develop wonderful thick gnarled trunks and can live many years. Tiny shiny, green, waxy leaves throughout the year, with fruit and flower possible as it matures. Easy to care for and is tolerant of cool or warm condition once it received good light. Some periods outdoors in summer is ideal for this tree.
Chinese Privet/Ligustrum.
The Chinese Privet is an excellent subject for indoor/outdoor bonsai cultivation. This hardy, evergreen tree with easily twisted trunk and light green, shiny leaves, has the ability to look much older than it's true age, and develops a thick, mature trunk very rapidly. Very easy to train into traditional bonsai shapes. It does need lots of water and needs to be kept moist at all times, so a good subject for those who tend to over water their plants. Suitable for shady areas indoors. See our 'Indoor Bonsai Care' section for further details.
Banyan Fig/Ficus Retusa
This variety of evergreen fig is probably the easiest and most versatile tree to grow as an indoor bonsai. They are native to the jungles of south east Asia, and are classed as tropical. Thick, chunky trunks and aerial roots are a great feature, making them the most exotic of all bonsai. They need a constant temperature of around 15 to 20 0c, so very suitable for offices, warm apartment and conservatories.See our 'indoor Bonsai Care' section for further details.