Caring for your Indoor Bonsai.
Certain types of bonsai trees are grown today that come from sub-tropical and tropical regions, and are loosely called 'indoor bonsai. These varieties, may be kept inside or outside in the summer, but need a bright position indoors with a temperature ranging from 8°C to 22°C in the winter months.
Position for your Indoor Bonsai.
Keep near a bright window out of strong sun, although the brightest sunniest spot in the winter months is best. Avoid drafts and areas of direct heat, fireplaces,radiators and cookers.
r Check the soil regularly and water as soon as the surface of the soil begins to feel dry. Use rain water or filtered water, whenever possible. Water by immersing the pot for 2 to 3 minutes in tepid water. A sprayer can alternately be used, but the soil must be sprayed so much that water can be seen coming through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. May need daily watering in hot summer weather, and spraying the leaves can be this time. Watering two to three times per week should be suffice throughout the rest of the year for smaller trees, and once or twice a week for the larger varieties.
But never let the soil dry out completely.
The size, shape and health of your bonsai tree is created and maintained by regular pruning. Allow trees to develop 2 to 3 sets of new leaves before pruning back to the first set of leaves at the top of the tree, and second or third at the sides. Remove any new shoots growing at the base of the trunk, cutting across the trunk, or in positions that take away from the appearance of the tree.
Fertiliser |
Feed your indoor bonsai March and April, once per week. Then once every two weeks until the end of September,and once a month the rest of the year. Use a fertiliser specifically for indoor bonsai trees. See page ' Pots and Accessories'.
Re-pot your bonsai as soon as the roots fill the pot. This can be annually for trees up to 10 years of age, or every two to three years as the tree gets older. The ideal time is in early spring, although most indoor bonsai can be done at any time of the year. Roots must be trimmed back by roughly a quarter, and fresh bonsai compost must be used. Use a free draining compost specifically designed for indoor bonsai. See our 'Pots and Accessories' page.
You can change the shape of your tree by wiring. Special alluminium wire is wrapped around the trunk or branch of the tree and used as a brace so the position of the trunk, or branch can be adjusted.The wire is removed several months later. This requires some skill, so proceed with caution.
Pests and Diseases
As with all plants, bonsai can be susceptible to pests and diseases. At the first sign of these, spray your bonsai with the specific insecticide or fungicide, suitable for indoor plants. Follow the advice recommended for this product.
Notes on Popular Varieties
Chinese Elm/Ulmus Parvifolia/ Zelkova Sinica
Needs cool, bright position, with full sun in winter, but early morning or evening sun in late spring and summer. Temperature should be between 7 and 22 degrees C. Can shed leaves if too shady, soil to dry, or moved to new growing position. Also can shed leaves in Autumn. Generally the leaves should return within two to three week, when conditions are corrected.
Regular mist spray is beneficial in hot conditions or keep it on a tray of moist pebbles.
Pruning can be carried out throughout the year. Allow shoots to grow long if you wish the branches to thicken before cutting back to one or two sets of leaves.
Regular mist spray is beneficial in hot conditions or keep it on a tray of moist pebbles.
Pruning can be carried out throughout the year. Allow shoots to grow long if you wish the branches to thicken before cutting back to one or two sets of leaves.
Banyan Fig/Ficus Retusa
Tolerates less light but requires warm conditions, no lower than 15°C. Avoid drafts and fluctuations in temperature. Keep soil moist, letting it be a little dryer during the winter. Re-pot every second year in spring using standard bonsai mix. Regular mist spray is beneficial in warm conditions.
Chinese Privet/Ligustrum
Needs cool, bright, but shady position. A north or east facing windows is ideal. Dislikes strong sun and too dry soil, so never let the soil dry out. Check daily in summer. Nip back tips of new growth as it emerges, particularly at the top of the tree. This encourages bushiness and smaller leaves. Remove new growth at base of trunk.Re-pot yearly and trim roots. Use standard bonsai mix.
Fukian Tea/Carmona Microphylla
A bright position is good, but avoid hot sun. Constant warm location needed, around 15°C to 22°C, throughout the year. Does not like fluctuation in temperature, drafts, or drying out. Keep soil constantly moist, but slightly dryer in winter. Re-pot every two years. Use standard bonsai mix.